HELLO, RF4 friends! The company's elaborately prepared outdoor expansion group construction barbecue activity will begin soon! GO! GO! GO!Groups, double happiness! Here, we will take a break from t... This is Peru's event of the year, where technology entrepreneurs, importing companies and colleges meet RF4 participated in the Mobile Life Expo 2024 held in Shamshaabad, Hyderabad, India from 28-30 September 2024! This is a great opportunity to explore the latest technology in RF4, while also bringi... 202409 Mexico Maintenance Technology Exchange Conference is an important event that brings together experts and professionals from the field of mobile phone repairThis meeting RF4 attended as the m... On July 7, 2024, Indonesia ushered in a unique mobile phone repair exchange meeting, whichattracted the active participation of many industry professionals and enthusiasts 7.7 INDONESIA RF4在交流会上... May 20, 2024, on a day to say "I love you." RF4 participated in the high-profile China Mobile phone, notebook, car maintenance technology exchange International Summit. This exchange will bring tog... In the middle of summer and May, we welcome a special guest. Today, our RF4 brand has the honor to host a leader in the mobile phone repair industry - Liu Weiwen (President Liu) of G-Lon Repair Aca... 新型目镜可以减轻疲劳并起到防尘作用新型目镜以具有瞳孔像差控制机制为特点,保证即使操作者的眼睛移动,也可以使图像保持持续可见。这已经被证实,可以减轻操作者在长时间持续观察中的疲劳。独特的目镜安装设计还可起到防尘作用并保持目镜固定在符合人体工程学设计的位置,并确保得到清晰的图像。New Eyepiece Reduces Fatigue and Excludes DustThis eyepiece... Moments |